Monday, 26 November 2012

Religion and democracy

My thoughts on the relationship between religion and a democratic state

1. a democracy is when the country is ruled by the people.

A simple democracy is when a law is passed through a majority of those people.

In the UK such people may not necessarily represent the Nation. Each MP may represents their own constituents, but as a collective the House may not. If in each constituency 60% of the people were not religious, and so each MP would overall represent the views of non religious people. And so 100% of the House would represent non religious people. But the country has 40% religious people.

Likewise the other way round, is if 40% of each constituency was not religious, the House of Commons would be 100% religious.

So UK's democracy means that its government may not represent its people religiously. The same could be said for all sorts of areas such as welfare, war, education.

So Laws will be implemented which do not represent the public's wishes.

So liberty will be compromised. Religious freedom will be compromised.

So why is democracy so cherished?

Is it because Man is so fallen that it is the only option left? If we had good rulers, such as a good King or Queen, we would not see them as tyrants.

When an institution is created, over time it becomes corrupted. Man is so fallen.

So it is Kings and Queens, and now it is the House of Commons. But what about the House of Lords? It seems that this House has not suffered. But then neither has our present Queen. It is those in power that get corrupted.

And why is that so? Because if after time they swap their sovereignty from God to themselves, they forget to love thy neighbour, they forget they are serving.

So in an increasing world where God is no longer sovereign why do people then want to persecute those that do hold God sovereign? Because such a God holds certain views contrary to them. No, it must be more than that.

It is because when I hold onto the view 'abortion is wrong' it is different to holding onto the view 'God says abortion is wrong' . The first is a personally private view, just an opinion. The second is saying 'There is a creator who knows how Man should behave, including you who opposes me, and that it is wrong for Man to allow abortions. '

This is abhorrent to a person whose sovereignty is himself.

So we learn that the best way to 'get along' is to get rid of God. If we are each sovereign to ourselves, what we each do and think and say are personal to ourselves, and their circle of influence goes no further. If sufficient people believe it then it may come into law, and as a believer in democracy I have to accept it.

But what if my conscience tells me, that there is a God who knows what is right for humanity? This God is not just MY God, He is everyone's God? I must be killed.

Hence why Christ was killed. Hence why we will have trouble in a fallen world. But this is just the same for all religions, not just Christianity.

Hence Democracy can only thrive if God becomes a totally private matter, like a mobile phone that you carry around with you. Not like a great big billboard announcing how the world should operate.

So as Christians who know we live in a fallen world, what are we to do? Never let your God become the size of your mobile phone.

If Democracy leads to the persecution and murder and marginalising of the religious, then we know that democracy is evil. But Newspeak and Doublespeak will say otherwise. It will say the religious are a threat to our society.

Christ was utterly true in what He said.

A fallen world ruled by those whose sovereignty is within themselves can only lead to destruction of those that profess a loving God who believes in forgiveness and self sacrifice rather than revenge.

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