About 4 years ago, the UK had a massive MPs expenses scandal whereby MPs promised to come clean and change the expenses system.
My how memories are short.
The incumbent House of Commons want to undo the changes they implemented! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/9678200/Bercow-and-his-bullies-bring-shame-on-our-Parliament.html
This to me demonstrates groupthink among the ruling elite. It is so poisonous.
I can see why Psalm 1 warns us to not sit with a house full of mockers : our own thinking would be poisoned by them.
If I met and got to know the House of Commons people, I'm sure I'd probably come out thinking "actually they aren't such a bad set of people, it is OK to get rid of the changes they implemented years ago".
We live in world so inured to sin, I am so inured to it. I live in it. I am constantly sinning.
Pornography, sexualisation of women, abortion, divorce, gossip, 'robust discussions', gay marriage, adultery, bad language on television, massive salaries, paying £3 for a coffee, legally avoiding tax, targetting vulnerable groups of people, protecting our interests to the detriment of developing countries, selling arms to other countries; all of this is just 'normal' (not I think so)
On TV you see Prime Minister's question time and I think : these people really went to Eton?!!! It must be one of the worst schools ever invented! These are not people who want to serve the country, these are people that have had personal ambitions of getting into Parliament to tell others how they should live their lives; and once they reach Parliament they just behave as though the Headteacher was no longer there to discipline them! Groupthink is so deeply inbedded in their culture.
I pray to our Father, the God who created Adam and Eve, whose Son is Christ, that He breaks through this group think and makes the members of those groups to stand back, reflect and see themselves for how they are seen in the eyes of God.
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